Saturday, February 9, 2008

New grand baby on the way

Hey everyone
I just wanted to let everyone know that my daughter Erin and Jeremy are expecting their first baby. If all goes well the baby will be born sometime in September. They will find out for sure her due date on the 20th I think she said. Please pray for her and the baby, that the Lord will protect this child and that Erin won't have any complications. We weren't sure if she could or would be able to get pregnant, the Lord has allowed her to get pregnant and we are so excided and look forward to meeting our grandchild.


Bethany said...

Congrats Cindy that is great news! I love to read everyones blogs and sites and keep updated on what is going on in Texas!

Kim said...

That is wonderful! :)

Mom2fur said...

Just blog-hopped over here from "Erratic Homemaker." Congratulations! Here's to a healthy and uncomplicated pregnancy and birth. And isn't fall a nice time to have a baby? Not too hot, not too cold. (My first 3 were born in October and November. My poor fourth was born in June--it was so hot and sticky he gave up nursing within two months, boo-hoo.)