Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Please pray for me

I just wanted to ask for prayer, Sunday Morning after Church I was walking out of the Church to go to the car and ended up falling onto the side walk and had a seizure. I hurt my knees, my right side, legs and hip. I had been feeling bad since Friday and thought it would pass like it does a lot of times. During Church I started losing the use of my right hand and was feeling out of it and couldn't stay focused, I was getting extremly tired and weak but I couldn't move. By the time we got up after services were over my legs wouldn't work and they were turning in and I was shaking. I thought that I would make it to the car and that maybe it was just that I was weak. Casey and our friend Vivian grabbed me to help me walk because I couldn't walk on my own and was staring to feel like I wasn't there. By the time we got out the door I 'm not sure how far we got but I went down knees first and over to the right side. Vivian kept me from falling face first so that I wouldn't hit my head. John Willette, Josh White and Richard Hamilton who all have medical training checked me over after I came too and said that they thought I would be ok that the seizure didn't last long and that I needed to rest . Josh and Richard followed us home to help get me in the house, and Josh checked me again to make sure there weren't any more injuries. I have been weak and in a lot of pain from the fall since Sunday, when I have had seizures before I usually am feeling better by the 2nd or 3rd day but not this time. I will be going to my Rheumatologist Monday- Friday to have treatments so I will have him check me out. Please pray that I regain my strength back soon if it's the Lords will.


Mrs. Nichole J. said...

hope your doing ok...
praying for you.

Emmie, aka Vivian said...

Sweet sis! I'm so sorry. I'm praying for you. I love you.

Rebekah said...

Love you and hope you get to feeling stronger. We'll be in next weekend because my parents will be leaving. See you then. Hugs!

Heather said...

Sorry to hear about Sunday. Let me know there is anything I can do to help you (clean, get groceries, etc). Heather