Monday, March 3, 2008

Prayer Request/ Hospital stay

Hello everyone
It's been a while since my last post.
I am asking for prayer, I will be going into the Hospital tomorrow (Tuesday March 4-7), for a seizure study and they will make me have seizures to see what kind I have, please pray that I will have the 4-6 seizures that they are needing right away or I will have to stay longer. I have to have people there with me around the clock so please also pray for those that will be giving their time to help. I have had to get off a of my medicines and suppliments and am having the pain and weakness again since I'm off my Mangosteen Juice.
I have been doing really well on the Mangosteen Juice. It has taken away my pain and inflammation that I have been suffering with now for 6 years. It has given me back my energy and strength. I thank the Lord for allowing me to find out about this Juice. I have been able to keep up my house and go with my daughter Erin a couple of Saturdays ago to look at wedding dresses and then went to the mall to look at shoes. I haven't been able to do that in a LONG time and I wasn't in any pain, I then got home at 6:30pm and cooked for our guest. I was able to get off all of my pain medicines Feb 14th and have not gotten back on them. I have been able to go to lunch with a couple of friends and enjoy my time without being in pain PRAISE THE LORD!!!!

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