Monday, April 7, 2008

The Mangosteen Fruit

The Pericarp, or rind, of the Mangosteen fruit contains more Xanthones than any other source on earth; a defense against Free Radicals.

Free Radicals are atoms with an unpaired number of electrons and these highly reactive radicals can start a chain reaction. When they react with cellular DNA these cells may not function properly or die.

Diseases are directly linked to free radical build up, including: Cancer, Heart Disease, Stroke, Lung Disease, Diabetes, Arthritis, etc. To prevent free radical damage, the body needs a defense system of preventative antioxidants, combined with a properly functioning immune system.

Antioxidant properties (Xanthones) in the Mangosteen function as a balance for free radicals in the body and are proven to provide natural relief via direct inhibition of COX-2 enzymes.

The Orac (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) Test has shown that an ounce of Mangosteen Juice has 20-30 times the ability to absorb free radicals than one ounce of most fruits and vegetables.

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