Thursday, January 22, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

What a busy month this has been, several of us have had the sinus stuff and Tyler has had a double ear infection,his 2ND round of it. We traveled to see Casey's 96 year old grandmother and all 3 of my children, as well as my daughter in-law Rebekah, Ryan, Brandon and Tyler (my 3 grandsons) as you can see in the picture I posted earlier last week. Here at home we are trying to clear out some things and also do some much needed repairs on our kitchen counter which will hopefully start soon. Please pray for us all as we have much to do and many decisions to make on what we want and need to do as far as the house goes. Casey is really doing great he can walk without his cane if he's walking short distances. I am also doing well with my Fibromyaliga I am still taking the mangostein juice but am only taking 1 ounce 3 times a day along with a pill from Swansons Vitamins that I was told about that is for fibromyalgia and it has been working really well. Lord willing I will be able to just take the pills since they are only $8.00 a month in stead of $ 232.00 a month for the Mangostein Juice. I want to do what the Lord would have me do and have been praying that the Lord would show me which direction to go. I better go Tyler has learned to roll from his back to his stomach and is in his bassenet and doesn't have much room to turn over, well he just figured it out and is trying to pull up on the side NO KIDDING he is on his side and is holding on to the side of the bassenet and trying to pull his head and chest up, he's 4 months today and is doing new things every day his doctor was suprised when he rolled from his back to his stomach this morning, she said that he shouldn't be doing that until he's 5 months, and he is also cutting teeth. Boy are going to have our hands full :))

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Five Generation Pictures

This is a picture of Casey's 96 year old grandmother and uncle with my 3 children and 3 grandsons. The date is wrong we just took this pictures 2 Saturday's ago. She is in a nursing home. In March she will be 97 years old.